Save Planet Earth. Stop Wars Now!
The Planets Today argues to STOP ALL WARS NOW whatever the cost. Allowing conflicts to continue could be the effective end of humanity as climate change is allowed to run out of control.
With the planet undergoing a mass extinction and with climate change going on unabated, now is the time to stop all major wars and divert the huge resources of military production into protecting the planet and its climate.
The planets today calls for extreme effort to be made in stopping the current ongoing senseless wars. The Russian war on Ukraine could perhaps be stopped by forcing Russia to negotiate by threatening European military action to push the Russians out. The war on Gaza could be halted by the US allowing a cease fire and stopping weapons deliveries. The UN could then do it's job to save lives and begin the negotiations for peace. The brutal civil war in Sudan is mostly ignored by the western media and governments since it has little impact on world commerce or oil supply. An international effort needs to be brought to bear to condemn and sanction the warring leaders and create an international embargo on supply of weapons.
After the two world wars nations got together to form the UN in an attempt to prevent future wars. The backbone of the UN was for nations to agree to uphold international law and treaties on human rights. Almost all major wars since have been due to nations with security council vetoes (or close allies with veto rights) deciding to ignore or bend international law for whatever reason. The simple truth is that the world would be a much safer place if all nations simply complied with the laws and treaties they signed, and attempted to sort out their conflicts within the UN rather than going to war.
The effects of this war on the world have been enormous affecting almost every person on the planet. Food shortages and energy prices have affected everyone with the poorest suffering the most.
One can understand in the first few months of this war that many nations were scared of an escalation and so western nations decided to supply weapons but do nothing else. It has been clear that the Russians and Western backed Ukrainians are equally matched resulting in a bloody stalemate that is going to continue until the US pulls the plug on aid and Russia takes the country.
In order to bring this conflict to an end either Ukraine needs to give up the stolen territory (probably resulting in losing all territory as Russia is likely to attack again in the future) or the Russians need to be persuaded to leave. It would appear that the only way to achieve the latter is if European nations are willing to fight for European freedom and commit to using its air power (and possibly boots on the ground) to support Ukrainian forces. If it was made clear that a European "special military operation" was limited to attacking Russian units within Ukraine (and possibly plus a small margin into Russia) and if it was combined with serious peace negotiations before and during the European offensive, then surely the war could be brought to a close. Although Putin seems unlikely to retreat in any circumstance, Russian generals just might think that the fighting in Ukraine has been a costly waste of time and might be happy to go home.
The current western approach of pouring money into Ukraine and waiting for a miracle victory is getting nowhere with the only foreseeable result is that Russia "wins" the war through attrition. The world would then be plunged into a new continual cold (rather than hot we hope) war in which we are all the poorer.
We welcome the cease fire in Gaza. Israel now seems to be focussing on provoking a war in the West Bank and continues to build on Palestinian land. However, we hope that peace can continue long enough for some reason to prevail and that a political agreement will eventually reached. Hopefully Israelis will realise that the way to peace is through negotiation and mutual respect rather than resorting to demonisation and military action as it's first, last and only response. The best way to weaken Hamas is to provide a political path to finding a solution. Unfortunately Israel, supported by the US, have for decades ensured that all political paths to a solution have been blocked.
We also welcome the departure of Joe Biden whose blind support for Israel has resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Gaza strip.
We deplore Donald Trumps statements indicating that Gaza should be emptied of Palestinians and be rebuilt as a US seaside resort. In some ways it is understandable that as the US provided the aircraft and explosives that destroyed the strip (along with about 7.5% of the population killed or injured) so the US would like some sort of return on their investment. The middle east was torn apart when the super powers gave Palestinian land to the Jewish minority without the Palestinian involvement or permission. If implemented, Trumps policy will reignite (if that's possible) the instability. Donald Trump (with his eye on Greenland, Panama and now Gaza) and Vladimir Putin (with his war in Ukraine) clearly have the same empire building objectives that were popular with "populist" leaders in the 1930's which resulted in WWII.
The end of the UN?
The UN has been completely ignored and sidelined by all as it calls for peace and humanitarian aid. International conventions written over the past 100 years to prevent war and protect citizens have been ignored, causing and allowing wars to continue. With the US and its friends, deeming the ICJ to be irrelevant on the small matter of genocide, it would appear that everything the UN has strived for is becoming defunct.
The Planet?
With rulings by the UN being ignored, it probably means that we are entering a new age where all nations will consider UN treaties as no longer binding. Nations will go there own way and all the environmental treaties that are trying to protect the planet will in effect become worthless. Nations will follow their individual goals limited only by their military might or financial power. It would appear with so many nations eager for war and others scrabbling to exploit the last fossil fuel resources, the prospects for the planets health are bleaker than ever before.